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Second human case of West Nile Virus in Denton County results in death

According to Denton County Public Health, this case was reported in the northwest quadrant of Denton County, which is an unincorporated area.

DENTON COUNTY, Texas — Denton County Public Health (DCPH) announced that the second human case of West Nile Virus in the county has resulted in its first death from the virus in 2024. 

According to DCPH, this case was reported in the northwest quadrant of Denton County, which is an unincorporated area. 

DCPH said the patient had been diagnosed with West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease. However, it will not release additional personal information to protect the patient's confidentiality.

Earlier this month, a woman in Dallas County who suffered from underlying health conditions died after being diagnosed with West Nile Virus. She was Dallas County's first death of the year related to the virus.  

"We're seeing more positive mosquito traps in the last few weeks indicating increasing risk for contracting West Nile Virus, just as we've seen in our second human case and first death of the season," DCPH Assistant Director and Chief Epidemiologist Juan Rodriguez stated. "We ask community members to take preventive actions to lower their risk of contracting a mosquito-borne illness." 

Some of the key preventive measures residents can take include practicing the Four D's:

  • DEET: Use bug repellants containing the active ingredient DEET and follow label instructions. 
  • DRESS: Wear long, loose and light-colored clothing.
  • DRAIN: Drain any standing water in or around your home or workplace.
  • DUSK to DAWN: As mosquitos are most active from dusk to dawn, limit your time outdoors during this time.

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