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Meet the mom practicing snaps with the Cowboys center, who's tasked with protecting the NFL's highest-paid QB

After being shown during the Week 1 broadcast practicing snaps with her son and Dallas Cowboys center Cooper Beebe in their backyard, we caught up with Tamara Beebe.

DALLAS — It’s a new season for the Dallas Cowboys with two new rookies starting on the offensive line. 

One of them is Cooper Beebe from Kansas State University.

During the week 1 broadcast, we got a sneak peek into how the starting center has been preparing for the season. In a home video, Beebe is seen snapping the ball to his mom Tamara Beebe in the backyard.

“Coop had mentioned it at camp. He said nope, my brothers didn’t help me, my mom did,” Tamara Beebe shared. Her husband, Cooper’s dad, Tom shared it on social media as proof.

“It was really funny because it just went crazy. I’m just a mom, doing her thing, helping her son,” Tamara laughed as she explained how it all started. “Actually I work from home and when I came downstairs to get water one day, I saw him hiking to a trash can. I went out there like hey bub, what ya doing? He’s like I need to practice. I said, I can help you. By the time you get back from your workouts, around my lunchtime, I’ll take a lunch and we’ll just practice. He’s like are you sure? I said absolutely.”

Watch the full interview with Tamara Beebe here:

Before the first snap, she picks up her knee and appears to yell before Cooper sends the ball back and she tosses it to him, mimicking a pass. The second snap comes with a different lead-up but is just as smooth as the first.

Practice is much different than a game, though. 

Cooper was also making a position switch from guard to center and is now snapping the ball to the first $60 million quarterback in NFL history Dak Prescott.

Clarence Hill, a Cowboys Insider for All City Dallas, told WFAA, “Nobody was talking about Cooper Beebe. It was a seamless performance. You didn’t have to talk about it. There was no issue. It was a flawless performance.”

Hill laughed when asked about the clip of Cooper snapping to his mom Tamara.

“It tells me his mom is cool. His mom, she knows the game,” said Hill, “He was snapping with his mom in the backyard, not his dad, his mom. That just tells you the whole family, you know Jerry talks about all in, the Beebe’s are all in on their kids and helping Cooper be the best center he can be.”

Tamara asked, “Is it going to be hard? I wanted him to be able to practice and not worry about am I going to hurt mom?” 

From there, she learned more about the game as he got ready to be the caretaker of the football before it hits Dak Prescott’s hands. 

“We did the, “Here we go!” Then we did the silent count. I was like, how? He goes well, when it gets really loud he uses hand gestures because he can’t hear. I’m like okay! So we practiced that. He wanted to hold it where he hiked it so he knew where it was on the body," said Tamara.

Our team at WFAA wanted to know what it’s like working so closely with the $60 million man at quarterback. 

“Dak, you know that special relationship, there is one. He’s been nothing but supportive for Cooper," Tamara said.

The Beebe family was thrilled at the news of Dak’s new contract and is happy that Cooper is surrounded by veterans like Zack Martin. Since she’s learned a lot more about the game and center position, WFAA asked Tamara how Cooper did in his debut to which she replied, “Looked pretty darn good! I was super proud of him.”

It was a family moment, caught on camera, before the biggest game of his young career. In the end, even an experienced NFL analyst had to give some credit to Cooper’s mom. 

“Shout out to mom. She’s in the backyard. I don’t know if she raised her foot or just said let’s go. You know how the quarterbacks do when you’ve got to send a guy in motion. You got to raise that foot, Mom! Tell her to raise that foot before you get to that snap. That was cool. It was cool for Beebe, cool for the mom, great story for the whole family,” Hill smiled.

The backyard video has been viewed and shared thousands of times.

“Moms are really special to their boys. I mean, a boy and a mom’s connection is pretty special. So it was great for people to see that we’re there,” Tamara smiled.

Cooper Beebe allowed zero pressures on Dak Prescott in week one against the Browns

Turns out, maybe mom does always know best.

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