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Vote on bill to ban gender-affirming care delayed for second time this week

People on both sides of the issue have gotten used to waiting, by now. Senate Bill 14 has tested the patience of both sides.

AUSTIN, Texas — The controversial senate bill has seen its share of delays and disruptions. And again Friday, lawmakers in Austin moved to table the bill vote until next week.

Senate Bill 14 calls for an all-out ban on "gender-transitioning care" for minors. That includes hormone therapy, puberty blockers, even social and emotional therapies.

People on both sides of the issue have gotten used to waiting, by now. SB 14 has tested the patience of both sides. The first hiccups happened Tuesday when the bill was sent back to the committee to address corrections. Three separate point-of-orders were called Friday, which delayed the second reading of the bill. Opponents of the bill see the delays as a small victory.

"It's just simply a delay tactic. Hopefully this will not require a special session to get through," said Bob Green who is a proponent of the bill.

Callie Butcher came from Dallas to attend Tuesday and Friday's hearings. Butcher tells WFAA she identifies as a trans woman and is also an LGBTQ civil rights attorney.

"I couldn't sit quietly at home, that would cause me more stress than being here," Butcher said.

Tuesday saw its share of fireworks which led to DPS troopers arresting two individuals. DPS Troopers were staged everywhere Friday in the capitol. Friday's fireworks were more procedural as the House kicked SB 14 back to the committee again.

"Our job is to be there, to be in community, and to hold people gently if this bill were to pass," said Ricardo Martinez of Equality Texas.

One side wore shirts that read "Protect Trans Kids,' and the other side wore red shirts reading "Save Texas Kids." Both groups Friday had filled the gallery in the House chambers.

"Any parent who would permit that is guilty of child abuse in my mind," said Green.

Butcher says the abuse is not allowing the age-appropriate care for minors who are transitioning.

"I have seen first-hand the harm that comes from not being allowed to have this care. I think the true premise behind this bill is that transgender people should not exist," said Butcher.

SB 14 will likely get a second reading next week. If approved, the bill will get a third reading and vote before it goes to the Governor.

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