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Super Tuesday: A guide to who's voting and what's at stake

After a month of contests where the name of the game was to gain momentum and survive, the 2016 presidential race becomes about one thing on Tuesday: delegates.

<p>Voters cast their votes in Super Tuesday states</p>

After a month of contests where the name of the game was to gain momentum and survive, the 2016 presidential race becomes about one thing on Tuesday: delegates. A dozen states will hold primaries and caucuses across the country, though Super Tuesday will have a distinctly Southern feel with Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas and Texas — the biggest prize of all — all holding primaries.

The states in play Tuesday distribute delegates proportionately (though some require candidates to score 20% of the vote to qualify for delegates), so lots of candidates are likely to win delegates on Tuesday. But front-runners Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may be able to significantly pad their leads over their competitors.

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