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Inside Texas Politics (11/23/14)

From Dallas ISD controversies to immigration, politicians and experts discuss local and statewide politics.
Inside Texas Politics



Academically, it's improving. So, why is Dallas ISD always in the news for the wrong reasons? Superintendents always seem surrounded by scandal. You don't have to have children there to be concerned. The biggest chunk of property taxes you pay this time of year funds DISD. Board president Miguel Solis joined host Jason Whitely and Bud Kennedy, of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram to pick apart the problems. Solis is a former eighth-grade history teacher and used to be the superintendent's special assistant. He did reveal that the district will likely decide next year whether to reopen any of the 11 school it closed. Solis also shared reaction from both Superintendent Mike Miles and Trustee Bernadette Nutall about their recent conflict in which Miles called the police on her.



Every Sunday morning, Inside Texas Politics features analysis from journalists at the Texas Tribune, which is one of News 8's media partners. Reporter Jay Root and host Jason Whitely discussed the National Guard winding down its surge on the Texas-Mexico border and why outgoing Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst wants to keep surge of state troopers there even longer. Plus, with less than 60 days left in office for Gov. Rick Perry, Root also discussed the governor's legacy and what many think he will be remembered for after leaving office in January.



Last week, Republican State Rep. Jason Villalba made comments in which some viewers expressed concern about. Bud Kennedy asked Villalba whether he's concerned that someone in the Tea Party might run against him since Villalba supports Joe Straus for House Speaker rather than the Tea Party favorite and Frisco Republican Scott Turner. Villalba dismissed it and called several people, including Cathie Adams, president of the Texas Eagle Forum, "goons." Adams appeared this week to respond to those allegations and explain how Turner still has a chance to beat Straus.



Republicans are livid over President Obama's executive action on immigration. In Texas alone, it lets more than a half million immigrants dodge deportation and remain here if they meet certain qualifications. As always, two takes on Flashpoint with Mark Davis of 660 AM The Answer from the right and author and producer Katie Sherrod from the left.



Reporter's Roundtable puts the headlines in perspective each week. Bud and Jay discussed the president's immigration action in light of Republicans receiving a lot of the Hispanic vote this month. Does Obama's announcement eventually help Texas Democrats? Plus, House Speaker Joe Straus now has commitments from more than 50 Republicans who pledge to re-elect him. So, can two months of negative campaigning by Turner and his allies change that? And the newly elected officials are starting to make some interesting new hires for their staff.


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