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State Representative says Operation Lone Star not the same program lawmakers approved in 2021

“We did not sign up for what is now taking place," State Rep. Eddie Morales said.

TEXAS, USA — State Rep. Eddie Morales was the only democratic joint author of the bill that started Operation Lone Star, Gov. Greg Abbott’s controversial border security plan.

That was back in 2021.

And Morales says at the time, it’s exactly what his constituents needed and were asking for: funding, resources and equipment to address a surge of migrants crossing into Texas.

But now, two years later, Morales says it’s difficult to find any positives in the border operation.

“We did not sign up for what is now taking place. And I think that now there is overreach on the part of the Governor’s office,” the Democrat told us on Inside Texas Politics. “We didn’t sign up for the inhumane treatment that we’re seeing that’s coming out of the DPS.”

The state is investigating allegations of abuse against migrants lodged by a state trooper.

In an email to a supervisor, that DPS medic claimed that troopers working along the border were ordered to push some migrants trying to cross the Rio Grande back into the water, even reportedly ordered to deny them water.

Those allegations originated in HD 74, Morales’ district, and the largest district in Texas that includes more than 750 miles of shared border with Mexico.

Rep. Morales says local landowners are lodging complaints as well.

The Democrat says the owner of a local pecan orchard had his property taken over by state troopers without permission.

And Morales says a specific amendment passed to the original bill stated Operation Lone Star funds could not be used to condemn or take private property.

“I have sent repeated letters to the Governor’s office. I have not spoken directly to the Governor, but I have to some of his leadership. They’re saying they’re going to take a look at it,” Morales said.

Morales also says he has no issue with Texas leaders taking the lead on immigration reform, even encouraging them to do it, though he knows it’s a federal responsibility.

But he says the feds have done nothing to solve any problems for three decades, so Texas should take the lead.

The Democrat has proposed a plan to build a migrant processing center in Eagle Pass, Texas.

And he would charge an initial $2,000 processing fee that would allow someone to work in Texas for three years.

Morales says that would raise more than $3 Million per day for the state and more than $1 Billion annually at this one processing center alone.

The plan didn’t gain any traction during the last legislative session.

But so long as the feds don’t act, Morales says he’ll keep advocating for it.

“I think that Congress should really be leading the efforts on passing effective immigration reform policies that have been needed for over 30 years,” he said.

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