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Election results: Craig Goldman, John O'Shea in Texas Congressional District 12

The District 12 seat, covering parts of Tarrant and Parker counties, will have new representation for the first time since 1997.
Credit: WFAA

FORT WORTH, Texas — Longtime Congresswoman Kay Granger’s congressional district 12, covering a large portion of Fort Worth, western Tarrant County and northern Parker County, will have new representation for the first time since 1997.

State Rep. Craig Goldman, R-Fort Worth is the projected winner over challenger John O’Shea in the May 28 primary runoff election.

As of shortly after 11 p.m., Goldman had received 63% of the vote (10,434 total votes) to O'Shea's 37% (5,735 total votes).

in a crowded field of four challengers on Super Tuesday, Goldman received 44% of the vote to O’Shea’s 26%.

Goldman was endorsed by Gov. Greg Abbott, but Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton endorsed O’Shea after Goldman voted to impeach him last year. Paxton was subsequently acquitted by the Texas Senate.

Granger, the first Republican woman to represent Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives, announced late last year that she’d be retiring from Congress at the end of her term in January.

The winner of the Republican primary runoff election will face Democrat Trey Hunt in the November 5 general election to fill Granger's seat. 

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