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Prince's death, Day 21: A secret tribute in L.A.

Here's the latest on the investigation into the singer's death, his estate and tributes:

Here's the latest on the investigation into the singer's death, his estate and tributes:

8:45 p.m. ET: This memorial is VIP-only. A private, intimate Prince tribute is happening Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, according to TMZ and a message posted on Instagram by Spike Lee. The service is meant for Prince's close friends in show business, says TMZ, and is so quiet that the exact location was not disclosed on invitations. "Purple Beret And Purple Kobe's For Prince Memorial Tonight In El LAY," wrote Lee, sharing a picture of his tribute outfit. 

7 p.m. ET: A Canadian celebrity biographer and filmmaker, Ian Halperin, says he doesn't believe Prince failed to leave a will, and he's launched a quest to find it — in Canada — for the film he's making on the last days of Prince's life.

Halperin says he's been interviewing friends, associates and relatives of Prince, who told him they believe there is a will, because Prince talked about it. They believe it's in Canada, where Prince had lived with his second wife and where he had fallen for another Canadian woman before his death on April 21 at his Paisley Park compound outside Minneapolis.

"I'm not saying 100% there is a will, but based on research I’ve done so far there’s a very good possibility that it's either misplaced or not yet found and the (authorities) are not looking in the proper places for it," Halperin says. 


So why hasn't it been produced for the probate court overseeing the messy resolution of Prince's multi-million-dollar estate? Because, Halperin says, Prince talked about leaving the bulk of his estate to the Jehovah's Witnesses and to charity, thus leaving out some relatives who thought they would inherit some of his estate.  

Halperin, who met and interviewed Prince in the past, says Prince was too smart to forget about making a will. 

"He was very private, prudent and meticulous, he didn‘t leave anything up in the air, from the orchestration of his music to his business," Halperin says."There is no way he was going forget about this important task."

4:39 p.m. ET: The Cannes Film Festival honored Prince during its opening ceremony Wednesday, with singer Matthieu Chedid leading a stripped-down version of Purple Rain. The singer's second film and directorial debut, 1986's Under the Cherry Moon, which was filmed nearby in Nice, a bit further up the Riviera from Cannes.

3 p.m. ET: The claims on Prince's estate from people who think they are his relatives or his business associates are starting to pile up; the latest is from an Alabama woman who is demanding $500,000 because, she says, she is the "creator" of Prince's 2004 Musicology album. 

Kimberly Felecia Potts, of Tallassee, Ala., filed a "statement of claim" with the probate court in Carver County, Minn., on Monday, demanding a piece of Prince's purported millions because "I created Musicology" in the NPG Music Club, Prince's now-shut website.

In her claim, Potts says Prince invited her to Paisley Park in 2015 to "reward" her with a job reopening NPG Music Club. Her documentation: Twitter chats, club records and conversations. 

Potts also was the same woman who was found loitering at Paisley Park in January, cited for trespassing and transported to a local hospital for a mental health check, according to the police report of the incident. Potts, the report says, was under the mistaken impression that she had been hired by Prince for a job at his home, which, she said in her claim, "never happened." 

Still, Potts' claim is not even the most eye-popping on the log of the probate court overseeing the resolution of Prince's estate. Rodney Herachio Dixon, of Murietta, Calif., filed more paperwork Monday on his claim, demanding $1 billion from the estate, plus ownership of all of Prince's music. He believes all of Prince's creative output was based on Dixon's own music. He claims he and Prince had a "meeting of the minds" about all this in 1995.

The temporary special administrator of the estate, Bremer Trust, has filed a motion to dismiss Dixon's claim as "frivolous" but so far it hasn't happened, according to the court records.


Other claims filed with the court are rambling or wacky to the point of incoherence, written by hand without the apparent assistance of a lawyer.  Anyone can fill out a legal form and file it with the court, and some people are doing just that in the absence of a will stating Prince's final wishes for his money, music and property. 

Tuesday recap: The Los Angeles Times obtained a search warrant that was carried out May 5 at Prince's home which identified a Minnesota family doctor who'd treated Prince twice in April and prescribed medication the day before his death. Dr. Michael Todd Schulenberg had, in fact, arrived at Paisley Park the morning of April 21 with test results for the singer, only to learn he'd been pronounced dead. 

Meanwhile, a federal prisoner in Colorado filed the first paternity claim against Prince's estate and KISS singer Gene Simmons apologized via Twitter for remarks he made to Newsweek in which he called Prince's death pathetic, explaining, "I have a long history of getting very angry at what drugs to the families (and) friends of the addicts."

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