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Meet Monet Cullins. By sharing her story, she saved a life.

The domestic abuse survivor found the courage to leave her abuser and start her own makeup line while staying in a shelter.

It’s been a year since Monet Cullins first shared her story of resilience on WFAA. The domestic abuse survivor found the courage to leave her abuser and start her own makeup line, Bold Lips Revolution, while staying in a shelter for domestic violence victims with her three girls.

“God told me now was the time to do this. I said, 'Do you know where I am?' and he said, 'Do you know who I am?'” Cullins said.

The single mom followed her faith, and it’s paying off. Customers across the country ordered her bold lip shades and after her first story aired, it was hard to keep up with orders.

“It was crazy. I was working around the clock,” Cullins said.

More people connected with her story of survival when it was first broadcast last December. “I started getting messages from women all over. They thought if I can do it, then so can they,” Cullins said.

As her story on WFAA went viral, Cullins realized she had a message to share. Since then, she has started traveling and speaking at women’s conferences to let other survivors know they can create a new life too.

One woman’s connection with Cullins’ story was a matter of life and death. Cullins says a mom from Houston contacted her after seeing her story online. “She said she was going to kill herself that day, and then someone sent her my link. She thought if I can survive, so can she,” Cullins said.

As Monet’s business continues to grow, she has a newfound passion to giveback to domestic violence charities like the one that helped her. She’s in talks with several major brands on projects down the line. “My vision right now is for expansion for my business and my message,” Cullins said.

Sharing stories of domestic violence but Cullins said being honest about hers helped her heal, and it turns out it’s helping others heal too.

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