DALLAS — As the ice thaws, Texans are getting a better understanding of the scope of damage left behind by last week’s storm.
On Monday, the Insurance Council of Texas announced it was anticipating that hundreds of thousands claims will be filed. The winter storms last week could soon be the costliest in the state’s history, ICT said.
“The claims are being filed across the State of Texas, unlike a severe weather outbreak that you might see concentrated to an area or two,” said Chris Pilcic, a State Farm Insurance spokesperson.
Pilcic they're seeing damage from El Paso to Tyler to the Pan Handle to Houston.
State Farm, the largest insurer in the state, said it is seeing claims come in at a record pace.
Temperatures in the 70s are quickly thawing pipes, illuminating how wide spread the damage really is, and in some cases making things worse.
“As the thawing happened and water was able to escape pipes, more homeowners may have experienced damage,” Pilicic said.
The numbers for the impact of this extreme cold snap and power outages are staggering.
Last year across Texas, residents filed 75 reports of busted pipes due to cold with State Farm. In 2021 to date, nearly 29,000 claims have been made as a result of last week's storm -- the vast majority of those water related.
So how do you make sure your claim is processed smoothly?
Experts recommend calling your insurance agent as soon as possible. Be sure to take pictures of the damage and verify workers before you hire them to do any repairs.