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Return to West: 10 years after deadly explosion, a sense of healing, sacrifice and resolve echo throughout this tiny Texas town

At 7:51 p.m. on April 17, 2013, the small town of West, Texas was changed forever when a fire at a fertilizer plant sparked an explosion that claimed 15 lives.

Matt Howerton

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Published: 10:01 PM CDT April 17, 2023
Updated: 10:34 PM CDT April 17, 2023

It's been 10 years since Robby Payne has stepped on this field in West -- one he passes daily on his drive to work, but has otherwise refused to acknowledge. 

"I drive this road almost every day," he said as he walked the grounds on a recent afternoon. "But I've never stopped and got out on this side of the road since the explosion."

Credit: WFAA
West VFD member and chaplain Robby Payne stands in the field where the West Fertilizer Co. once stood.

A set of crosses sits next to that field, and everyone in town knows why they're there.

Especially Payne. 

"It's difficult to reflect on," he said. "I can tell where I was, and where I ended up. There's still some debris [here] that was probably here the day of the explosion."

He pauses a moment.

"Honestly, I don't think many people come out here."

This very same field along Jerry Mashek Drive is where the West Fertilizer Co. plant once stood. 

Credit: WFAA
Crosses stand across the street from the field where the West Fertilizer Co. used to be.

It's a field where 12 first responders took their final breaths, and where Payne almost took his last one, too.

Credit: WFAA
Payne walks the explosion site where he miraculously survived.

"This is where we lost friends and we lost people that were trying to help this community," Payne said. "It's devastating."

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