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Four human cases of West Nile Virus reported in Dallas County

Two tested positive for the virus in Garland and two tested positive in Dallas, according to Dallas Health and Human Services.

DALLAS COUNTY, Texas — Another man has been diagnosed with West Nile Non-Neuroinvasive Disease, making him the second reported human case in Dallas for the 2024 season, according to Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS). 

DCHHS said the man is a resident of the City of Dallas in the 75230 zip code. On Wednesday, DCHHS announced its first reported human case of the virus in the city, which was another man from the same zip code. 

Additionally, the Garland Public Health Department said it confirmed two cases of West Nile Virus: One in a local resident and another in an international traveler who contracted the virus abroad. However, the department said both patients have since recovered.

This brings the total number of cases in Dallas County to four. 

“Unfortunately, we are having to report our first West Nile Virus human case in Dallas County this season,” Director of DCHHS Dr. Philip Huang stated. “Mosquito activity and the number of positive mosquito pools have been significantly higher than in previous years. It's crucial for residents to take precautions to protect themselves from mosquito bites.”

Dallas County Health and Human Services recommends that residents follow the four Ds to prevent the contraction of West Nile Virus: 

  • DEET: Utilize bug repellants that contain the active ingredient DEET and follow label instructions. 
  • DRESS: Long, loose and light-colored clothing should be worn.
  • DRAIN: Get rid of any standing water in or around your home. 
  • DUSK to DAWN: Limit time outdoors as mosquitos are most active from dusk to dawn.

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