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Parking garage soon off-limits to Dallas City Hall visitors

Since Dallas City Hall opened in 1978, free spaces have always been set aside for the public — the taxpayers — in the building's 1,426-space underground parking garage. That will change starting Jan. 3.
The Dallas City Hall garage will soon be off-limits to citizens.

DALLAS Since Dallas City Hall opened in 1978, free spaces have always been set aside for the public the taxpayers in the building's 1,426-space underground parking garage.

But starting January 3, there will be no more spaces for the people who pay the bills.

Security is our first priority, explained Cheritta Johnson of the city's equipment and building services department. We have to make sure that the people who visit our building in addition to individuals who work here every day that they are secure.

The city says the 72 spaces set aside for the general public will be eliminated to clamp down on security. Only city officials, employees, and VIPs designated by the mayor and City Council will have access to the two-level garage.

The city said there is no single security event or risk forcing the change; it's simply part of an overall security assessment.

Regina Ricks, who parked in a public place for her City Hall business, calls the change unnecessary. It's really not fair, because we need to have the parking places, she said. We are coming to do business at the city, so we should be able to park at the city.

The city says Ricks and others will still be able to park in the metered outdoor parking lot of 145 spaces, where 33 new spots were just added.

The building is still going to be open to the same level as it is currently right now, said Council member Ron Natinsky. With the expanded parking in what we call the 'horseshoe' next to the building, I think it will be more than adequate.

Just remember to bring your quarters for the meter.

E-mail bwatson@wfaa.com

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