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Wednesday's Child 15-year-old Josiah says his heart is open with plenty of bear hugs to give his future parents

After Josiah finds a loving home, he will pay it forward in the future by helping other children in foster care.

DENTON, Texas — Think about that one person in your life who gives the best hugs.

Today's Wednesday's Child says no one rivals his hugs and that he's ready to give a big bear hug to the forever family who adopts him.

WFAA met up with 15-year-old Josiah at City Slicks in Denton. He was smiling and having a great time during our adventure. 

Josiah's caseworker showed us a picture of Josiah when he was just 8 years old and already living in foster care. He was adorable and his caseworker says Josiah has never lost his sweetness.

"Bear hugs are something that no one can rival me in," Josiah said.

Josiah stands at 6 feet tall and is still growing. He has been in foster care since he was 4 years old. His advocates say it's past time for him to continue growing with a loving family who will also help him to heal emotionally.

"No kid in foster care can truly make it out without somebody right there," Josiah said.

He says he wants parents who will help him experience what life has to offer. Josiah enjoys sports, fishing, Legos and technology. He is also very tech-savvy.

"I've always had a passion for technology just because it was the first thing me myself got connected to after being cut off," he said.

What Josiah meant about being cut off was having to grow up in foster care because his biological parents were not well enough to take care of him.

"When you're that young you don't understand everything that happened," he said.

He understands these circumstances were not his fault and he has chosen to forgive in order to prepare him for a loving family.

"If you always keep your heart closed, you'll never make it," he said adding that his heart is open.

Josiah wants adoptive parents who love him so much they forget he is adopted. 

"Be able to say I'm with a family and it's not obvious that I'm in foster care," he said.

Josiah just wants to feel some sense of normalcy in his life.

"Not having as many restrictions like having to ask to go to the restroom or that kind of stuff," he said.

After Josiah finds a loving home, he will pay it forward in the future by helping other children in foster care.

"I'm gonna make sure they know that even though you think you're alone, you're really not."

And as for those bear hugs? Josiah gave Cynthia Izaguiree one that even cracked her back! 

"It was one of the best hugs ever!"

For more information on how to adopt Josiah, contact the Heart Gallery of North Texas at 817-809-3440 or email them at hello@heartgallerynorthtexas.org. Please include Josiah's name in the subject line.

If you would like to read more Wednesday's Child stories and learn about how to get the adoption process started, click here.

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