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Wednesday's Child 11-year-old King has been in foster care for 8 years. His caseworker hopes to find his forever home

Adoption changes lives. The prayer is that King finds a forever family who loves and sees him.

DALLAS — Despite being in foster care for eight long years, Wednesday’s Child 11-year-old King is forever smiling.

Mother Teresa once said a smile is the beginning of love. King's smile speaks a lot louder than his words. 

“You say cheese, and he makes this big smile! He's full of joy," said Leah Powell. She is King's Child Protective Services caseworker.

"He's fascinated with cameras, and he likes to take pictures of himself and video tape himself," said Powell about King.

The tween is currently into Transformers and drawing. He also has a healthy appetite. Powell said he likes to eat proteins and vegetables.

He's a parent's dream case scenario when it comes to eating his veggies.

"He likes broccoli. King loves to eat anything. He can eat anything and everything,” Powell said. “He just enjoys food.”

We met King recently during a riding session at 4-C Stables in Waxahachie.

King is a growing young man who is teaching Powell a lesson about strength.

"I love to go visit King. The first thing he says to me is, ‘hi,’ and then he asks for his notebook,” said Powell.

When King has his notebook, he immediately starts drawing. He can draw for hours.

King doesn't use a lot of words, but he doesn't need them with Powell. She sees King – truly sees him.

"He's a smart kid. There is so much there. You just gotta [sic] find it and nurture it," she said about King.

He is on the autism spectrum and will need lifelong care.

"King needs a family that understands his diagnosis, that's patient and committed to him,” said Powell.

Adoption changes lives. The prayer is that King finds a forever family who sees him too.

Powell wants him to have parents who see his light, his intelligence and above all, the love in his smile.

For more information on how to adopt King, please send all approved home studies to LaQueena Warren at LaQueena.Warren@dfps.texas.gov. Please remember to include King's name within the subject line.

If you're not licensed, please visit adoptchildren.org to find out more information on how to become licensed to foster and/or adopt or contact LaQueena Warren at 817-304-1272.

 If you would like to read more Wednesday’s Child stories, click here.

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