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Balch Springs: Looking back at the fire that spread into nearby homes

Aerial views of the fire showed flames spreading through backyards and homes. In total, 26 homes were affected. Some burned to the ground, while others were damaged.

BALCH SPRINGS, Texas — It’s been one year since the Balch Springs fire started in an empty field, spreading quickly to homes at Interstate 20 and South Beltline Road.

Aerial views of the fire showed flames spreading through backyards and homes. In total, 26 homes were affected. Some burned to the ground while others were damaged.

It's believed the fire started after crews cutting grass on the nearby field may have struck a metal object, causing sparks, according to the Balch Springs city manager at the time.

Adut Kual said she still feels anxiety from July 25, 2022. She said her two-year-old son was the first to notice something wrong that day.

“He was like, ‘mommy, fire!’,” Kual said.

Kual said her son was, ironically, playing with his firetruck toy. She thought he was playing around, but he kept repeating the word ‘fire.’

“I was like, what do you mean fire?” Kual said.

When Kual finally looked out the window, her back fence had already burned down. Flames were spreading quickly toward her home, and black smoke filled the air.

“Us, we’re running out, we didn’t have no shoes, nothing,” Kual said.

Kual said a neighbor gave her and her family shoes to wear as people began to gather at a distance to watch the fire burn in their neighborhood.

On Kual’s property, the fire burned down her fence and charred her backyard. The flames made it to the back walls of her home but stopped there. Burn marks in her yard and a blackened fence post remind Kual of how scared she was that day.

“The house, the things that I have inside, the most important memories, you know the pictures we brought from back home – brought here..." Kual said of her fears that day. "Everything will be gone."

Homes on either side of Kual's were damaged or destroyed.

Willie Brooks watched the fire from his house down the street. He said when he walked outside that afternoon, the smoke in the air was so dark you could hardly see in front of you.

Brooks said it was a helpless feeling.

"There was nothing you could do about it except sit there and watch it burn down," Brooks said of the homes.

Brooks said he was concerned the fire may jump the street and burn other homes.

"Just about everyone around was getting their water hose and spraying houses," Brooks said.

He hoped if that happened, a wet roof and wet grass would help salvage his property.

Brooks said he knew two people who did not have a home to return to after the fire. One is rebuilding, the other decided not to return.

He said he understands why.

“It was gonna be traumatic," Brooks said. "Unless you are unhuman, you couldn’t help but feel bad."

While a lot has changed in the area of the Balch Springs fire, what remains is the memory of what a hot, dry day can bring.

"It feels like it was yesterday," Kual said.

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