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'Don't come now': Biden Administration tells people to wait before trying to migrate to the U.S.; Dallas civil rights leaders react

There is a surge at the border including unaccompanied children. The Biden Administration says it's working to get a handle on the situation, it will take time

DALLAS — The immigration crisis didn't end when President Donald Trump left office.

There's been a surge of Central Americans flooding the U.S. Border in recent days forcing some cities to put up more temporary housing.

"Well, I think quite honestly, the Biden administration is dealing with the possibility of an incredible increase in the numbers,” said Cedillo.

The Biden Administration implored those seeking asylum or wanting to immigrate to the U.S. to wait.

"They need to wait. It takes time to rebuild the system from scratch,” said Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Department of Homeland Security.

Mayorkas criticized the Trump administration saying it gutted the system and it will take time to rebuild.

"We will dig our way out of the cruelty of the past administration and we will rebuild our nation's asylum system,” said Mayorkas.

The administration promises to expedite the asylum application process and to reunite families who have been separated at the border. About 70 have been reunited but many have not. 

Mayorkas says they are working on actually reuniting some here in the U.S. The president of LULAC, Domingo Garcia applauded the moves.

"We're going back to normal. We're going back to what is supposed to be a legal process, people filing for asylum going to an immigration judge presenting their case and then having a fair and impartial decision on whether they qualify or not,” Garcia said.

The Biden Administration is continuing Trump's policy to turn people away at the Border because of COVID restrictions. Garcia says 90% are returned to Mexico.

But he says as the violence and chaos continue in Latin American countries the crisis isn't going away any time soon.

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