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Domestic violence victim pushes for state registry for abusers

Tamara Reeves says several years ago she took a cheery picture with her now ex-husband Christopher Polvado.

Tamara Reeves says several years ago she took a cheery picture with her now ex-husband Christopher Polvado.

But behind the smiles, she says there was terror.

"Intimidation, holding me down, choking me, punching me,” she said. And she doesn’t want anyone else going through that.

Polvado was arrested multiple times for domestic abuse. In 2013, he was convicted of continuous family violence and placed on six years’ probation.

In March, he was arrested for violating that probation.

Christopher Polvado's mugshot. Photo: Courtesy

"He will kill me if something is not done,” Reeves said. “He will kill me."

Tamara decided to talk to News 8 because she believes that, for years, her ex-husband has been cyber-stalking her.

She says fake Facebook accounts have been set up in her name, she receives numerous death threats, and confirmed that for three years he's had access to her iCloud account.

"It's very scary that a man who tried to kill me and for him to know where I live and have access to every photo in my phone and read every text message I have written for three years," Reeves said.

Tamara says she is tired of being the one looking over her shoulder. She says it's time domestic violence offenders were publicly exposed.

She's been meeting with state legislators to create a law to place domestic violence offenders on a state registry to shame them and shine a spotlight on who they are.

"They are cowards,” she said. “They hide in the dark. I am like shine the light and come out."

State Rep. Jason Villalba tried to pass a law creating a domestic violence registry last session, but time ran out on the bill. He plans to re-file it in January when the legislature reconvenes.

“If we had a registry just like a sexual predator registry of those individuals we would know who is on the registry and who has committed these kinds of crimes,” Villalba said.

He says that would help protect future victims and also protect women like Tamara Reeves, who would know where their abusers are living and know that law enforcement would be keeping better track of them.
Rep. Villaba is also filing a bill that would enhance punishment for repeat offenders if they have three or more convictions.

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