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Dallas police officer recovers from COVID-19, tells people to 'think of others'

Officer Walker doesn’t take COVID-19 lightly after contracting it more than two weeks ago. His message to others is to stay at home and consider the health of those

DALLAS — After 16 days of quarantine and fighting a fever, Dallas Police Officer Johnny Walker is back to his old self.

In late March, the 7-year motorcycle cop was heading to work when he felt sick and feverish. Instead of going in, he decided to get tested for COVID-19. His results later came back as positive.

He had a cough, fever, and sinus pressure. But Walker said he is grateful for a more mild case of the novel coronavirus. He never experienced shortness of breath or chest pains. 

He said, “I feel very, very fortunate, but at the same time, I don’t take it lightly.”

Walker returned to work on Wednesday. He said it’s business as usual, but he is now more conscious of keeping his hands clean, and maintaining a distance during the pandemic.

“Think of others. I know you might be uncomfortable staying at home all the time, not having the choice to go out, but still think of others. Because the worst thing you can do is infect somebody and they actually pass away from it,” said Officer Walker.

As of Thursday, eight Dallas police officers have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

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