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Cooke County 'Secret Santas' spread $70,000 of Christmas cheer

The annual giveaway by radio station KGAF has become a Christmas tradition - but this year with the most donated money ever.

GAINESVILLE, Texas — For several years now, radio station KGAF in Gainesville has broadcast its most popular hour-and-a-half each year in early December. 

This year, on a rainy Dec. 15, perhaps their most popular of all. The station rained down Christmas blessings to the tune of $70,000. 

Station manager Steve Eberhart says that wealthy “Secret Santas” in Cooke County approached him years ago, offering cash to be given away to residents in the station’s broadcast area who truly need it. Listeners are asked to submit letters to the station in advance describing their situations.  

A lucky 70 received phone calls from KGAF on Dec. 15, letting them know they would be receiving $1,000 each.

The callers, many of them in tears after sharing their stories of economic hardships, medical diagnoses, and yes, COVID is still a thing too, thanked KGAF on the radio broadcast. 

Candace Whitley was one of the callers, describing having to choose between food, power bills and repairing a falling-apart vehicle. 

“It says a thousand dollars would be a blessing to me,” Eberhart said reading the letter she sent the station. “Well consider that a blessing because I am giving you $1,000 in Secret Santa cash,” he told her.

“Oh my gosh thank you,” she cried over the radio.

An hour later, as has become the KGAF custom, she was among all the other cash winners in a long receiving line outside the station: Candace’s driver side window held closed with duct tape.

“Oh my God, thank you,” she said, as Eberhart handed her ten $100 bills.

“It’s been rough,” she said. “It’s been rough, but this is gonna help.”

Sparkle Turner was another caller who talked about her difficult recovery, at the age of 43, from multiple strokes and seizures.

Eberhart handed her $1,000 too.

“Oh my gosh, that is the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for,” she said. “It will give my son the Christmas he deserves with everything that happened in the past couple months.”

Dina Drake, when she was handed her $1,000, couldn’t hold back her tears.

“It’s gonna help me so much because with COVID and everything, and I’m on disability. It’s just been so hard to buy groceries and pay all the bills. It’s just a blessing,” she said.

A blessing for 70 families today. A blessing that Eberhart says comes from donors who don’t want to be named.

“And to be able to stand her and hand out money, not my money, is one of the joyous things of the holiday season for me. I’ll never get tired of this,” he said.

“I think it’s awesome,” Drake said. “They’re helping so many people that need help. It’s just been so hard for all of us. And just hearing everybody else’s stories. And I’m just so emotional today. It’s just a blessing.”

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