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Three additional cases of West Nile Virus in humans reported in Denton County

There have been 10 cases of West Nile Virus in Denton County this season, county officials said.
North Texas has been fighting West Nile Virus cases, but Massachusetts is fighting its own virus that can be spread by mosquitoes.

DENTON COUNTY, Texas — Three new human cases of West Nile Virus have been reported in Denton County by its health department on Friday. 

According to Denton County Public Health, the three residents diagnosed live in Corinth, Denton and Carrollton, respectively. No further personal information will be released by the county to protect their confidentiality. 

There have been 10 cases of West Nile Virus in Denton County this season, county officials said.

“With the announcement of additional human cases and the continued activity of West Nile Virus mosquitoes in Denton County,” said Juan Rodriguez, DCPH Assistant Director and Chief Epidemiologist, in a statement. "We urge community members to continue to use repellents and stay proactive in reducing mosquito breeding sites. These simple actions are easy ways to protect yourself and others from mosquito-borne illnesses.”

Residents are advised to minimize the risk of contracting WNV by taking the following steps:

  • Draining standing water to minimize mosquito breeding sites in areas like flowerpots, bird baths and clogged rain gutters.
  • Wear long sleeves and pants while outside and spray clothing with repellent.
  • Use EPA-registered repellent with DEET, Picaridin or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus.

For the latest information, visit DentonCounty.gov/WNV.

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