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Fifth Democratic debate: Highlights from N.H.

DURHAM, NH - FEBRUARY 04: Democratic presidential candidates former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders during their MSNBC Democratic Candidates Debate at the University of New Hampshire on February 4, 2016 in Durham, NH.

DURHAM, N.H. — On Monday night, Hillary Clinton notched a razor-thin victory over Bernie Sanders in the Iowa Democratic caucuses. Next Tuesday, Sanders hopes to ride his polling lead to a primary victory in New Hampshire. But on Thursday, all eyes were on the debate stage.

This marked the fifth debate for Democrats, but this time it was a one-on-one affair, after Martin O'Malley dropped out of the race on Iowa caucus night. It followed last night's CNN town hall in which Clinton and Sanders, in separate appearances, disputed each other's definition of "progressive."

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd and MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow were the moderators.

Here are all the highlights; all times are Eastern.

11:07 p.m.: Closing statements: Clinton says she hears people say they're trying to decide whether to vote with their hearts or their heads. She asks voters to bring both to the polls because there's a lot of work that can only be done if hearts are moved. She mentions continuing struggles against racism, sexism and discrimination. She will bring her heart with her, she says, “but I will also tell you we’ve got to get our heads together to come up with the best answers to solve the problems so that people can have real differences in their lives."

Sanders says America is the only major country that doesn't guarantee health care to all people and paid family leave, it has the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country and millions of families can't send their kids to college. Sanders says he's running for president because "it is just too late for establishment politics and establishment economics" and he calls for a political revolution where millions stand up and say, "Our government belongs to all of us and not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors."

11:04 p.m.: The candidates are asked whether they would choose each other as vice president, prompting a kumbaya moment.

Clinton says she doesn't want to get ahead of herself, but that if she's chosen as the nominee, she would call Sanders first to discuss how to move forward.

Sanders says he respects Clinton very much. “On our worst days, I think it’s fair to say we are 100 times better than any Republican candidate,” he says.

“That’s true,” she says.

11:01 p.m.: Clinton is asked what she’d do first.

She said she’d work immediately to put together an agenda. She wants clean energy to power every home in the next four years, get to 100% health care coverage and offer paid family leave. “

Sanders says campaign finance reform is necessary so that government can begin to help working families.

Sanders reiterates that no nominee of his will get a nomination to the Supreme Court unless he or she pledges to overturn Citizens United.

10:51 p.m.: Clinton is asked about trade. "We have to trade with the rest of the world" and trade has to be reciprocal, but we've failed to provide a safety net for workers, she says.

Sanders has never supported a trade deal. He's asked how he prevents China from setting the rules for trade.

"I believe in trade, but I do not believe in unfettered free trade," he says. He was on the picket line in opposition to NAFTA. He thought the deal would pit American workers against cheap labor in Vietnam. The current trade agreements over the last 30 years have been written by corporations and have resulted in job losses, he says. Trade is a reason workers are working longer hours for lower wages, he says.

10:46 p.m.: Clinton says she would order the federal government to intervene in Flint and what's being done isn't sufficient. She says it's an emergency and their pipes need to be fixed. The federal government can bill the state of Michigan if they won't move, she says.

Sanders agrees with Clinton. He doesn't ask for governor's resignations every day but he did for Gov. Rick Snyder because his irresponsibility was outrageous, he says. Kids' development may have been impacted.

He questions what the response would have been if Flint were a white, suburban community.

10:43 p.m.: Clinton said she still supports capital punishment and she hopes the Supreme Court will make it clear that states must meet highest standards of evidentiary proof or they may not continue it.

She thought it was appropriate that Timothy McVeigh, for instance, received the death penalty, but she disagrees with the way states are using it.

Sanders says all of us know there are horrible crimes. But too many innocent people, including minorities, have been executed when they weren’t guilty. In a world of so much violence and killing, “I just don’t believe that government should be part of the killing,” he says. Lock them up and throw away the key, he says.

10:36 p.m. Sanders is asked about an ad titled "Endorsed" that FactCheck.org says leaves the misleading impression that two newspapers endorsed him when they did not. Sanders notes the ad only refers to the newspapers' positive statements about him and doesn't say they endorsed him. Clinton, whose campaign targeted Sanders earlier on the issue, was asked to respond, but she declined.

10:34 p.m.: Clinton is asked about her emails. "Before it was emails, it was Benghazi," she says. She said she never sent or received classified material. "I have absolutely no concerns about it whatsoever," she says.

She's asked whether she's 100% confident that nothing will come of an FBI investigation into the way the emails were handled. She is, she says.

Sanders says he's feeling exactly the same way as he did at the first debate when he said enough with her "damn emails." There's a process underway and he doesn't want to politicize that, he said.

10:30 p.m. Clinton says she's the strongest candidate to take it to Republicans. She says she's thrilled with young people coming to support his campaign and hopes to win their support. But she's concerned about views of many Democrats who know their states and how hard it is to win a general election. "I've been vetted, there's hardly anything you don't know about me," and Sanders or anyone else will face the "most withering onslaught."

10:27 p.m.: Sanders is asked whether he accepts Clinton’s win in Iowa. Sanders says he agrees with The Des Moines Register, which called for an audit.

We think we might have at least two more delegates, Sanders says. “No matter how it’s counted, it will break roughly even,” he says.

Clinton says whatever the state party decides to do is fine with her.

10:20 p.m.: Clinton and Sanders, a former chairman of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, agree that the VA shouldn't be privatized as some Republicans want and it should be strengthened.

10:16 p.m.: Sanders is asked to rank the biggest threat to America. He says North Korea is "a very strange situation" because it is isolated and run by a paranoid dictator with nuclear weapons. We have to work closely with China to resolve serious problems, he says, and he worries about Russian President Vladimir Putin and his military adventurism in the Crimea.

Clinton says the U.S. will watch Iran, we have to worry about North Korea as the develop nuclear weapons and develop their ballistic missile capability. Russia is putting constant pressure on U.S. allies, she says. They're engaged in supporting Assad because they want to have a place in the Middle East. NATO must do more for the common defense.

10:10 p.m.: Sanders, asked about his foreign policy, says the key doctrine of his foreign policy would be "we cannot continue to do it alone. We need to work in coalition."

Clinton questioned Sanders' statements, including inviting Iranian troops into Syria to help resolve conflicts there. "Questions have to be raised and questions have to be answered" on foreign policy, she says. "There's no way to predict" the threats, she says.

Sanders says he concedes Clinton has more experience on foreign affairs, but judgment is important. He voted the right way on Iraq, he says,

Clinton says Obama turned to her to be secretary of State and she was at the table, exercising her judgement when the U.S. carried out the raid against Osama bin Laden.

10 p.m.: Clinton is asked whether Obama is right to keep escalating troops to fight ISIL. Clinton says we have to support Arab and Kurdish troops doing the fighting. Troops in Iraq and Syria are off the table, she says. Given the threat that ISIL poses, it's important to keep the Iraqi army on a path where they can take back territory. "They're doing the fighting, we're doing the support and enabling," she says. Obama's plan "adds up to me" but says she's not OK with the numbers of troops increasing. She supports special forces, trainers, the air campaign and says we're making progress.

Sanders says he agrees with much of what she says, but they differed on the war in Iraq, "which created barbaric organizations like ISIS." Sanders says he led the opposition to Iraq.

Clinton: "Look, we did differ ... we have to look at the threats we face now."

How long would troops be in Afghanistan under a President Sanders? Sanders, who voted for that war, says he would do his best to make sure the U.S. doesn't get sucked into a quagmire. He believes the war against ISIL is a war for the soul of Islam and Muslim troops must lead the fight with support from the U.S. and other countries.

9:51 p.m.: Sanders is asked whether he could work with big businesses after skewering them on the campaign trail. Sanders says he could, but Boeing, GE and other multinationals need to pay their fair share of taxes and the money will be used to rebuild infrastructure.

There are absolutely good corporations, he says, but there are many that have turned their backs on the American workers by going overseas. "I will do my best to transform our trade policies," he says.

9:50 p.m.: Todd asks Clinton to release all transcripts of her speeches after a questioner asked for transcripts of her Goldman Sachs speeches, which earned her $675,000 in 2013 alone.

"I would look into it. I don't know the status," she said, but added that she spoke to many groups about world affairs. "Look at my record, look at what I'm proposing."

9:44 p.m.: Sanders is asked why he isn't using the public financing system for his presidential campaign. "We looked at it but it turns out to be a disaster," he says. The system is antiquated, he said, and Clinton nods her head in agreement. He didn't want a super PAC, he says, so he turned to small donors.

Clinton is asked about her time on the speaking circuit after she served as secretary of State. Though she took speaking fees from the financial sector, she said she proposed changes on Wall Street before the crash, and now they're trying to beat her in the primary by spending $6 million on ads against her. "They know my record ... I have a pretty good understanding about how to stop them," she says. "I will be the person who prevents them from ever wrecking the economy again."

She says she respects Sanders' call to restore Glass-Steagall but that's not enough. Investment banks, insurers, mortgage companies were a problem, too. "We have a lot of issues with corporate power that have to be addressed," she says.

Sanders, invoking Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said others want to see Glass-Steagall restored. "Time to break them up," he says of separating investment and banking activities.

9:32 p.m.: Sanders rails about the connection between government and political contributions.

"There is a reason why these people are putting huge amounts of money into our political system" and it's undermining democracy, he says.

Clinton says she'll stop that game. She brings up his vote to deregulate swaps and derivatives.

Sanders says he heard the arguments about how great it would be to get rid of Glass-Steagall. He helped lead the effort against deregulation and the result was the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression.

9:28 p.m. Sanders says he's running for president as a Democrat and if elected he wants to see major changes in the Democratic Party. He wants a 50-state strategy so that it's not just a party of 25 states, he says.

Clinton zings Sanders, thanking Vermont officials for their support.

Sanders says Clinton has "almost the entire establishment" behind her, but he's got grass-roots support. "Secretary Clinton does represent the establishment," he says, and that he represents ordinary people.

Clinton says it's "quite amusing" to call the first potential woman president the establishment. "They endorse me because they know I can get things done," she says. "They know I won't make promises I can't keep."

Sanders says being part of the establishment is raising $15 million from Wall Street, raising money from drug companies and special interests. If we don't get a handle on money in politics, we can't bring about change, he said.

Clinton says she hasn't changed a vote because of donations.

"I don't think these attacks by insinuation are worthy of you," she says, and urges him to end the "artful smear."

9:21 p.m.: Sanders is asked whether Obama is a progressive. He pivots to Clinton's previous statement about being a moderate. Turning to Obama and Vice President Biden, he says they have done "a fantastic job." "Do I think President Obama is a progressive? Yeah, I do. I disagree with him on a number of issues," such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, but he's done a great job, he says.

Clinton says she understands Sanders is trying to distinguish himself, but "let's not in an unfair way" attack where she stands and where she's always stood. "I don't know anyone else who fits that definition" of a progressive, she tells Sanders.

9:16 p.m. About the progressive label: Clinton says it wasn't progressive of Sanders to vote against the Brady gun bill or give gunmakers legal liability. And that by his definition, President Obama wouldn't be a progressive.

Sanders says his ideas are not radical ideas, making colleges tuition-free, rebuilding crumbling infrastructure, doing away with tax loopholes for corporations. "What we need to do is stand up to the big money interests and the campaign contributors," he said.

9:12 p.m.: Clinton says the numbers don’t add up for Sanders’ plans. “A progressive is someone who makes progress,” and that what she would do.

Sanders says he won’t accept the belief that America can’t have health care for all and stand up to “ripoffs” of the pharmaceutical industry. It is Wall Street’s time to help the middle class, he says.

Clinton says there’s no disagreement on the need for universal health care. She wants to build on the Affordable Care Act and Sanders wants to start over.

“It is helping people right now. I am not going to wait and have this plunge into a national debate” that won’t succeed, she says.

Sanders says the Affordable Care Act has done good things, but it hasn’t dealt with 29 million who have no insurance or “off the wall” prescription drug prices.

9:07 p.m.: Opening statements:

Sanders says millions are giving up on the political process because the economy is "rigged" and almost all new income and wealth is going to the top 1%. Sustaining that system is a corrupt campaign finance system. "Our job together is to end a rigged economy"... and overturn Citizens United.

Clinton says of course we have special interests doing too much to rig the game, but we also have continuing challenges of racism, sexism and discrimination.

"I'm not making promises that I cannot keep," she says.

9:02 p.m.: The candidates have taken the stage.

More coverage of the N.H. Democratic primary

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