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Frisco ISD approved for teacher stipends

Designated teachers with the district will receive a base state stipend anywhere from $2,700 to $14,000.
Frisco ISD Administration

FRISCO, Texas — The State of Texas approved Frisco ISD's application for Phase One of the Teacher Incentive Allotment, meaning that designated teachers with the district will receive a base state stipend. 

These stipends will range anywhere from $2,700 to $14,000.

For a teacher to be designated, they must be identified as a top-performing teacher per Texas Education Agency standards. The stipend amount varies based on three designation levels and five indicators. The designation levels are: recognized, exemplary and master.

“I am incredibly proud of the designated teachers and know they are more than deserving of the state-funded stipend,” said Frisco ISD Superintendent Mike Waldrip in a statement. “The District will continue to work hard supporting teachers in the upcoming phases in the hope that more will benefit in the near future.”

Since 2019, Frisco ISD has been working to acquire this additional funding for its teachers. These stipends are intended as a way for teachers to earn higher salaries, to attract and keep teachers and incentivize them to teach at the most challenging campuses.

Select groups of teachers will be phased in to earn the designation due to the vast number of subjects taught by the district. 

Phase 1 will include teachers of math and reading, Algebra 1 and English 2 from 4th-8th grade. Progress measures for these courses are built into state assessment and no additional work required by teachers for gathering data on student growth are why these courses were chosen.

Phase 2 includes other core areas in the 2023-24 school year, with these teachers learning if the district's designation system will be approved in spring of next year.

Phase 3 and future phases are still being planned.

With each phase, Frisco ISD sends data to TEA.

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