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'Can you all work with us': Participants on proposed street racing ordinance as Dallas takeover events continue

Drivers and spectators are asking city leaders to help find a safe location, to avoid the illegal car shows shutting down streets in the City of Dallas.

DALLAS — Illegal car shows, street racing, and stunts have become a hot topic across the City of Dallas. The street takeover events are happening especially on weekends, and police say they’re trying to be proactive in shutting them down.

“It gives you a thrill,” said a takeover specialist, who identified himself as NSG Billz. “We bring the whole city out.”

There are groups of drivers in tricked out cars, shutting down streets across the city. The events draw hundreds of spectators and participants from across the country.

“A majority of people call this street racing,” said another participant who identified himself as Wicked. He explained his job is to record the events on camera.

Wicked explained, “This is not street racing. What this is, specifically, is slide shows.”

Slide shows include cars spinning, burning rubber, and performing donuts often at a high rate of speed.

The underground car shows, or takeover events, are largely fueled by social media.

"People spend thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars on their cars," said NSG Billz. 

While many neighbors call the high-impact car events a community nuisance, the participants are describing them a different way.

"As takeovers we have it organized, the address, we have pits. We have people that’s blocking. Blocking the cars. Basically, we are directing traffic as we are going out," NSG Billz said. 

The Dallas Police Department calls the events dangerous. A street racing task force has been focused on breaking up the events.

The Dallas City Council could soon vote on a proposed street racing ordinance. It would make it an offense to be a spectator at the events. 

Property owners who allow reckless driving events could also be fined and cited.

Some participants believe an ordinance targeting spectators would make things worse.

"We need a place where we can go and have our adrenaline rushes and not have to run. That way we can be safe," Wicker said. 

Dallas police said it has been in communication with property owners in Ennis, about a possible place to arrange car shows. However, some of the participants say that area is too far outside of the City of Dallas.

Safety is a major concern. 

”It has become a bit of a problem,” said community organizer Claudia Fowler.

Fowler has been speaking out against illegal street racing and takeover events for months. She was contacted by some of the participants last week. At their request, she is help to facilitate a dialogue between some of the participants, city council members, and police.

”Let’s hear them out,” Fowler said. “See what their plan is, and try to meet them halfway to get this solved. Because at some point, it’s going to be beyond our control.”

The participants say they have been successful in speaking with a couple of city leaders. So far, they say they have not received a response from DPD.

”Can you all give us a location,” NSG Billz is asking city leaders? “I mean, we are trying to work with you all. Can you all work with us?”

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