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North Texas singer getting noticed for his music and the money he's giving away

Whenever he performs, 26-year-old Don Louis knows people will hear his music. He just never expected them to see his heart

DALLAS — Whenever he performs, 26-year-old Don Louis knows people will hear his music. He just never expected them to see his heart.

“No,” Louis said. “Your character stands for what you do when nobody else is looking around you. There just happened to be somebody that saw me doing what I normally do.”

Louis performs all over Texas, oftentimes in places like Deep Ellum in Dallas. Typically, after making a few bucks he takes the money and runs to the nearest homeless person.

Louis either gives them what he’s earned or uses it to buy them food. He does it regularly.

“People walk by and we see someone that deserves to have love shown to and they don’t show love,” Louis said. “Why are we not showing love to one another? Why are we looking down on one another?”

Louis says he wasn’t always so generous. But a few years ago, he decided he didn’t like that about himself and would at least try to change.

He started small, giving a few dollars or a bottle of water.

He’s only been performing for two years. He’s made hundreds with his streetside shows and he’s given almost all of it away.

He credits his faith in God for the change.

“It’s not to make me happy,” Louis said. “It’s because this is what I’m called to do. I’m called to come out here and serve.”

He says no one needs to have much to pour into others. Even just a dollar can create a big ripple.

“It’s free to be kind,” Louis said. “You show more love where it’s supposed to be given, other places get watered.”

That’s how you use your voice for good.

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