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Inside Texas Politics (4/1/18)

A big story simmering under the surface is special counsel Robert Mueller's on-going investigation of the Trump administration. Would President Trump really fire Mueller? That question sparked this week's Flashpoint. From the right, Mark Davis of 660 AM The Answer. And from the left - Rich Hancock of Virtual News Center dot com.


“Is this person a citizen of the United States? Republicans want that question added to the 2020 Census. Asking it might mean less money and influence for Texas. Democratic State Representative Ramon Romero, from Fort Worth, explained why Democrats don’t want the citizenship question on the 2020 questionnaire. He joined host Jason Whitely and Bud Kennedy of the Star-Telegram.


Asking whether a person is a citizen on the 2020 Census could impact Texas. Everything from the number of representatives we send to Washington. To the amount of money Washington sends us. Ross Ramsey, the co-founder and executive editor of the Texas Tribune, discussed who decides whether the question will be included in the census questionnaire. Ross also discussed the likelihood of Texas lawmakers restoring any of the $118 million the legislature cut from pre-k funding last session.


Debbie Georgatos from 660 AM The Answer weighed in on the controversy surrounding the Republican effort to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 Census. She gives a viewpoint from the right in this week’s My Voice, My Opinion.


Chair Missy Shorey is the first woman to lead the Dallas County Republican Party. Just months after being elected, she was quick to go after Democrats. Shorey sued in January to get over 120 Democratic candidates thrown off the ballot – saying the party chair, Carol Donovan, didn't sign all the candidates’ petitions herself. Shorey joined host Jason Whitely to talk about that case and her party's chances of expanding in Dallas.


A big story simmering under the surface is special counsel Robert Mueller's on-going investigation of the Trump administration. Would President Trump really fire Mueller? That question sparked this week’s Flashpoint. From the right, Mark Davis of 660 AM The Answer. And from the left - Rich Hancock of Virtual News Center dot com.


Reporter's Roundtable puts the headlines in perspective each week. Bud and Ross returned along with Berna Dean Steptoe, WFAA’s political producer, to discuss whether Congress will take action on Facebook, last weekend’s student March for Our Lives, and the chance that Walmart and Costco stores in Texas will be able to sell liquor.

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